Watch a bear relax in a hot tub in the Great Smoky Mountains


The Great Smoky Mountains are one of my favorite places to visit. Renting a place with a porch and a hot tub on a cool morning, getting a soak in and admiring the scenery.

Apparently humans aren’t the only ones who enjoy such things.

Todd Trebony was vacationing at a house in Gatlinburg when they noticed a black bear on the property. First, it knocked over the grill. Then the bear leisurely checks out the surroundings, sees a hot tub full of nice warm water and says “don’t mind if I do.”

Watch the videos…

I have been to the Gatlinburg area quite a few times and have yet to see a bear, let alone see a bear relax in a hot tub. According to The Herald Sun, the bear population is growing in Tennessee. The National Park Service estimates 1,500 bears live in the Great Smoky Mountains.

Bears are active during the spring and summer months. They usually avoid people but they have an incredible sense of smell and are often attracted to food.

Or in this case, hot tubs.

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