The Exercise Coach: High-tech workout comes to Chicago


On today’s WGN Morning News, I went to check out The Exercise Coach. The fitness program has been around the Chicago area since the early 2000s. They now have 30 locations across the country, and last month, they opened their first spot in the city. Here is our story with more below….

The company says they can get your fit with just two 20 minute workouts per week. The secret is in the technology, they say – their workout machines are hooked to computers that analyze all of your movements, and they use robotics to apply all of the tension based on your physical strength.

After testing out a few of the machines, I can say it’s like nothing I’ve felt before. You can really feel the machine fighting back and resisting as you are both pushing and pulling. Having the real-time target on the computer screen really pushes you to make sure you are getting what you need out of each rep.

As for the cost? It will set you back more than $300 per month, but they do offer free consultations if you want to try it out before you commit. Here are the details…

The Exercise Coach | 1015 W. Webster | 872-802-4464 | Vist to find other locations

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