Batman The Ride 4D Roller Coaster Construction Tour at Six Flags Fiesta Texas

batman the ride 4d roller coaster

Take a look behind the scenes as work is underway on the Batman The Ride 4D roller coaster



It’s one of the most anticipated rides of 2015. The Batman The Ride 4D roller coaster will take riders over 1,000 feet of track at speeds up to 40 mph. Those aren’t HUGE numbers when it comes to roller coasters – it’s the track design that makes this one unique.

They’re calling this a “Free Spin” coaster. As riders navigate the winding track, they’ll flip head over feet multiple times. They’ll spin freely, but there will be magnetic kickers along the track. Here’s more from the LA Times…

After ascending a 120-foot-tall vertical lift, riders will undulate over two hills while flipping forward twice before diving over a beyond-vertical raven drop. Following a reverse flip, riders will spin backward while falling over another beyond-vertical raven drop before executing a final forward flip. The weak-stomached need not apply.

Aided by magnetic kickers along the track, the Batman trains will spin freely based on gravity and the weight distribution of the cars. Based on rider feedback, Fiesta Texas can increase or decrease the amount of spinning by adjusting the kickers.

Theme Park Review has posted a construction tour of the site – check out the video above. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but you get a sense of the footprint this thing will sit on. What do you think? Would you ride this thing?

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