MEGASPIDER! Australian Reptile Park looking for mystery donor of massive funnel web spider


They’re calling it “the stuff of nightmares.”

The Australian Reptile Park says a mystery donor dropped off a massive funnel web spider recently. They’ve nicknamed it “Megaspider.” It’s the biggest funnel web spider they’ve ever received measuring in at 8cm with fangs big enough to bite through a human fingernail.

Let’s take a second to process that.

OK, moving on.

The Reptile Park encourages people to safely trap these spiders and donate them. The park will milk the venom out of the spider so they can turn it into antivenom. That antivenom saves up to 300 lives per year. Here’s a neat video on how they actually do this…

This particular spider arrived as part of a weekly collection, inside of a tupperware container without any labels showing where it came from. Park employees are trying to find the area in hopes to find even more of these large spiders. They can produce larger amounts of venom for the antivenom program.

Here are some photos of the MEGASPIDER!, courtesy of the Australian Reptile Park, you can also see a video of it crawling around HERE.

You can learn more about the Australian Reptile Park here. 

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