Home Trending News Pampers Poop Face commercial captures babies in slow-mo glory

Pampers Poop Face commercial captures babies in slow-mo glory

Pampers Poop Face commercial captures babies in slow-mo glory

We’re sitting at the dinner table last night. My son is finishing his plate when oh so subtlety….

The lean.


The face.

Every parent knows it. I ask him, “Hey, you’re two and a half. Do you want to go sit on the toilet?”

“No thanks,” he answers.

At least he’s polite about it. It still cracks me up how he’ll just stop and make that face anywhere at anytime. Whether we are in the privacy of our own home or stuck in a long line at Dylan’s Candy Bar (sorry about that), he’ll fill his pants wherever he darn well pleases. The ultimate diaper mic drop.

Pampers has a new commercial celebrating the “Poop Face.” It’s shot 400 frames-per-second which leads to some stunning slow-motion, because every parent needs these moments cemented in their brains forever. Check it out… (via Ad Week)

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