Packers fan meets woman who saved his life at Lambeau 17...

Green Bay Packers fan Chuck Wickert was making his first trip to Lambeau Field 17 years ago - and it turned out to be...

Cameraman takes 58-yard field goal to groin, keeps shooting

There are many things you need to be prepared for when working in LIVE television. Crazy hours. Last minute breaking news. Knowing where you...

VIDEO: Julio Jones blazing 45-yard TD catch

Julio Jones had a pretty nice first two games of the NFL season.That trend continued today.As of this posting, he has 9 catches for...

Indians fireworks guy sets them off for the wrong team, feels...

Think you had a bad day yesterday?The Kansas City Royals were visiting the Cleveland Indians last night. Alex Rios hit a home run, which...

Blackhawks fan’s reaction to Stanley Cup win goes viral, help us...

UPDATE: We found him!It was just another morning after your home team wins the Stanley Cup.I'm LIVE in River North on WGN Morning News....

How WGN Morning News does sports when the video goes out

Technical difficulties. They've become something of a running joke around WGN, but every television station faces them. I'm lucky to work at a place...

Powerful Derrick Rose Powerade commercial features Tupac poem

What a powerful, perfectly-timed commercial. Just a few days after Derrick Rose suffers another setback with his knees, Powerade drops this ad that uses...

Lions fans have their cheese grater hats on a week early

#Lions fans have their cheese grater hats on a week early.


Squid Game Season 2 feels incomplete and ultimately disappointing – REVIEW

Watch my full video review of "Squid Game Season 2" here. Written review continues below!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FW6gR5HXFwI'm probably on an island with this - but I...