2015 Thrills: Tallest, fastest giga coaster coming to Carowinds



fury 325 drop


They’re calling it Fury 325 – it will be the tallest and fastest giga coaster in the world.

Carowinds made the announcement about a week ago, so I’m a little behind. The ride is designed by B&M and it features a 325-foot lift hill with an 81 degree first drop. That will send riders racing through more than 6,000 feet of track and speeds up to 95 miles per hour.

That’s pretty fast.

It’s all part of a $50 million investment Cedar Fair is putting into the Charlotte, North Carolina park. It’s hard to complain about a ride with an incredible looking first drop – but I just wish there were more airtime hills. Of course, all we have is this animation to go on. It could be a completely different story once you hop on board the car.

I can’t wait to find out for myself! Watch the videos…


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