FROZEN FEVER Trailer: First look at new Disney short film


I have probably seen FROZEN 40 times. My kids are four and two, which means I either come home to LET IT GOOOOOO or CREATURE REPORT, CREATURE REPORT – CREATUREREPORT!

I realize if you do not have children you probably have no idea what I’m talking about.

Despite the multiple viewings, FROZEN still holds up. It has this charm to it. I should be completely annoyed by now but for some reason I’m not. Cinematic magic, I guess.

We’ll see if Disney can recapture all of that with future FROZEN projects. The first is the short film FROZEN FEVER, debuting in front of CINDERELLA on March 13th. They’ve released the first FROZEN FEVER trailer – you can watch it below over and over and over and over and over and over and over….

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