Home Entertainment The latest Terminator Genisys trailer has some major spoilers

The latest Terminator Genisys trailer has some major spoilers

The latest Terminator Genisys trailer has some major spoilers

So the new Terminator movie is going to take an interesting twist. How great would it be to sit in the theater, expecting yet another Terminator story that’s been told time and time again and BOOM. Wow, DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING! This is actually interesting!

That experience will no longer happen for me because I watched the second trailer for Terminator Genisys. For that reason, part of me doesn’t even want to post this trailer. Why should I subject anybody else to this spoilage?

But you are a human being with choices to make. You can decide to watch it, although if you are a big Terminator person and can’t wait to see the movie, I would advise against it.

Just wait until the movie opens on July 1 and avoid anybody who has seen this trailer and any future TV spots…..


SEE! I told you not to watch it!

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