James Corden goes skydiving with Tom Cruise on the Late Late...

"If we die, I'm going to get NO press!" "Mission Impossible: Fallout" comes out today. James Corden had Tom Cruise on "The Late Late Show"...

Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up sung by 169 MOVIES

It's the meme that will never die and I'm totally OK with it. YouTuber The Unusual Suspect spliced together scenes from 169 different movies to...

James Corden joins the Backstreet Boys on stage in Las Vegas

It's time for Brian to take some time off. James Corden has a segment on "The Late Late Show" called Take A Break. He steps...

Here’s your first look at IT: CHAPTER TWO’s grown up Losers...

We've heard the cast announced one by one, now we see them together. In IT: CHAPTER TWO, the Losers Club is all grown up. Warner...

Michael Shannon watched the Oscars from a Chicago dive bar

It was a huge night for "The Shape of Water." Guillermo Del Toro accepted his first Best Director Academy Award and the movie went...

Principal parodies Mariah Carey to announce snow day with hilarious video

They are the two words every kid loves to hear - SNOW DAY. One principal in Kentucky decided to take things even further. Union Pointe...

Watch Justin Timberlake’s FILTHY video featuring a futuristic dancing robot

Earlier this week, we told you about Justin Timberlake's new album MAN OF THE WOODS. The trailer had JT running around bonfires, through cornfields,...

David Duchovny auditioned for all three roles on FULL HOUSE

We all know him as Fox Mulder on "The X-Files." But if things went a little bit differently in the 1980's, things would have...


Turkey Chili recipe: An easy favorite when the weather starts getting...

It's the middle of October, perfect time to bust out one of our favorite recipes - Turkey Chili! This is one of our easy go-to's...