Tag: wgn morning news

Poltergeist Trailer

POLTERGEIST Trailer: Is this remake clean?

For the most part I hate remakes. Especially when it comes to iconic movies. POLTERGEIST is one of those movies. I remember being really young seeing...

The Exercise Coach: High-tech workout comes to Chicago

On today's WGN Morning News, I went to check out The Exercise Coach. The fitness program has been around the Chicago area since the...

Yacht Living: Couple braves the Chicago winter aboard a boat

Kevin Wright and Colette Gabriel are braving the Chicago winter subzero temperatures aboard their first yacht It was something they always thought about doing -...
jan terri ave maria

Watch Jan Terri turn “Ave Maria” into a holiday disco classic

Jan Terri's "Ave Maria" reminds us why we all should believe in Christmas and hailo-sporting guys with their shirts off     Jan Terri has been a...

Most People Doing Lunges: A WGN Morning News World Record?

  You never know what you're going to be doing when you walk into the doors here at WGN. After the morning show fell short of...

PHOTOS: Lunar eclipse draws hundreds to Adler Planetarium

Meteorologist Demetrius Ivory and I were LIVE out at the Adler Planetarium on today's WGN Morning News - getting a perfect view of the...

APPLE EVENT: iPhone 6, Apple Watch and…Scarf Guy? (VIDEO)

  On Wednesday's WGN Morning News, I put together a quick wrap of everything that was unveiled at the Apple event, along with some of...

EAT IT: Pulled Pork Q-Style Sandwich at Q-BBQ

Pulled Pork Q-Style Sandwich at @eatqbbq. #BBQBreakfast.


Turkey Chili recipe: An easy favorite when the weather starts getting...

It's the middle of October, perfect time to bust out one of our favorite recipes - Turkey Chili! This is one of our easy go-to's...